There are 3 important elements in trading, they are: price, volume, and time. In other market like listed stocks exchange, we can get the volume transaction in a day through the information systems of broker and floor exchange, in the OTC market like forex market, we can not statistic the volume exactly, the volume that broker provided, it just for reference, in MT4 platform the volume is just the tick volume, and it will be different with the other brokers. One of the alternative solutions for this problem we can use the COT report to get the informations that the investors is going to do in furture and option market. |
Here is the example:

Commercial - Describes an entity involved in the production, processing, or merchandising of a commodity, using futures contracts primarily for hedging
Long Report - Includes all of the information on the "short report", along with the concentration of positions held by the largest traders
Open Interest - The total number of futures or options contracts not yet offset by a transaction, by delivery or exercise
Noncommercial (Speculators) - Traders, such as individual traders, hedge funds and large institutions, who use futures market for speculative purposes and meet the reportable requirements set forth by the CFTC
Nonreportable Positions - Long and short open-interest positions that don't meet reportable requirements set forth by the CFTC
Number of Traders - The total number of traders who are required to report positions to the CFTC
Reportable Positions - The futures and option positions that are held above specific reporting levels set by CFTC regulations
Short Report - Shows open interest separately by reportable an non-reportable positions
Spreading - Measures the extent to which a non-commercial trader holds equal long and short futures position
you can see the COT indicator combine with chart in this website: